SL No | ATM Name | Address |
1 | Sreemongal Branch ATM | Afzal Plaza, Moulvibazar Road, Sreemongal |
2 | Moulvi Bazar Road Sree ATM | Hazara Mansion, Suruvi Para Residential Area, Moulvibazar Road, Sreemongal |
3 | Station Road SREE ATM | Ghoroni, Station Road, Sreemongal |
4 | College Road SREE ATM | 232 (Old), Noor Mohammad Mension, College Road, Sreemongal |
5 | Sreemongal FT - 1 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
6 | Sreemongal FT - 2 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
7 | Sreemongal FT - 3 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
8 | Sreemongal FT - 4 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
9 | Sreemongal FT - 5 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
10 | Sreemongal FT - 6 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
11 | Sreemongal FT - 7 ATM | Office Room # 1, Biroti Market, Moulvibazar, Sreemongal |
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